MAY 19 2001
it's hard to do a good weblog, especially when you know there's people who're are to be reading it -- people like your friends and coworkers. it's like a self-imposed censorship. you don't want to write anything about them because they might read it, so that limits the topic selections to anything other than people you know. but guess what? that's hard to do! i spend 8+ hours a day with my coworkers, and then on the weekends its with friends. funny and embarassing things might happen during those times, and it's just a shame that i can't write about it! i guess if i didn't care about what they think, i could write down my innermost thoughts and display them on this here old website. but i just can't.
MAY 19 2001
bangles - "hero takes a fall"
MAY 19 2001
i was doing a slow turn on an empty street when i must've turned the bike too much and didn't apply enough speed so i lost control and toppled over. the immediate thought that came to my mind was, "how am i going to right the motorcycle back up?" but i guess a 300 lbs. bike isn't that heavy and i was able to get it standing upright seconds after i fell. i think my pride got hurt more than i did (i might've pulled my back muscle, no big deal), and there were some minor scratches on the clutch handle and exhaust pipe.
MAY 19 2001
whether i go to sleep happy or depressed depends to a great extent on whether or not the red sox wins that night or not. tonight they lost. looks like a very restless sleep is in store for the wicked one. this blows. i'm always surprised when they lose, because i really believe that they should win every single one of the games they play this season. and why not? they got all the weapons, both offense and defense, although, like i was telling amanda, they could use some more japanese seasoning in the special sauce. japanese players are hot hot hot this year, and i think the red sox should capitalize. if only we had an ichiro to complement our manny and carl and dante and soon-to-come-back nomar! we'd be so good the government has to come down and break it up because we'd be a trust! anyway, there's always tomorrow.