
about an inch of snow fell this morning. it was so minor that it probably wasn't worth shoveling, but i heard my neighbor don scraping clean the snow and ice from his stretch of sidewalk, so i was compelled to do mine as well. don seems to take unnatural pleasure in cleaning the sidewalk, removing every inch of ice, down to the bare pavement. unlike him, i didn't have the patience nor the expertise; i did the best i could, then sprinkled some artificial salt for added insurance.

steve and paul left me a note saying they were out on business until next tuesday. that meant since they weren't home, i could take the opportunity to clear off the snow from their upper story backyard deck, so it wouldn't melt and drip down onto my mine. i went out back and saw a bag of trash left on the path. apparently they were in such hurry, they just threw the trash into the backyard instead of in the bin, figuring i'd pick it up for them. self-entitled assholes!

shoveling the deck gave me a chance to climb onto the top floor and get a nice view of all our backyard neighbors. the morning snow had some rain with it as well, and it sort of made the preexisting snow a bit more compact (less fluff) and easier to shovel. instead of simply dropping the snow down below (which would cover the nice path i already carved out a few days earlier), i tried to launch it a bit further onto the snow piles.

for lunch and dinner i heated up some leftover pizza.