
this was the day i was waiting for, the promise of warm weather. temperature-wise it was just a few degrees warmer than yesterday, but that's all it took to feel like summer again. i went around the house opening windows, trying to trap some of that warmth for later tonight, only to close them all back again when i went out for a grocery run to get some snacks (pretzels and apples). although it's only thursday, i was wrapping up my work like it was the end of the week, since i plan on doing some naturing tomorrow, supposedly a repeat of today's fine weather.

by the time i woke up this morning, my roommate still hadn't gone to work. he went to star market first to stock up on some canned soups (apparently he liked the sample i gave him last night) before heading off to work close to noon. he doesn't make up for his lateness though, not returning home until well after 10pm. i like it when roommates follow a routine; that makes it easier for me to plan my days, maximize my me time.

in tonight's chat with my roommate, i explained to him the difference between a sitcom with a laugh track versus one without. i also explained syndication, and how the major networks pass off their shows to be broadcasted on other channels. we talked about languages. he told me that the russian and kazakh word for china is "khitai" and we talked about how different languages have different sounds. he was demonstrating the special guttural "kh" sound of kazakh, something i had a hard time pronouncing and could barely tell the difference between a regular "k" sound. he said in both kazakh and chinese there's no "th" sound so he pronounces it as an "s" sound - "sank you for sinking of me." finally, we touched upon the bradley effect, and told him how obama needs a bigger lead in order to guarantee a win.

finally, that LCD monitor elias gave me started to work all of a sudden. in the past i could only get it to display a non-native 1280x1024 resolution, but tonight when i started up my G4 it went widescreen to 1680x1050. i'm still running it through the analog port which works but doesn't look as good as when i had it connected to my macbook pro via the DVI. the video card on my G4 does have a DVI port but it's the old apple ADC. maybe i can find a used adapter on craig's list. otherwise, i'll keep on planning for that hackintosh.