
i'm pretty much healed from my sunburn a few days ago. now i'm at that stage where i'm itchy because the dead skin is peeling off. but i rather itch than burn.

this morning i got up and i was thoroughly confused because the light coming in through the venetian blinds was orange. i couldn't tell what time of the day it was. i cracked open the blinds to look outside, expecting to see a sunrise or a sunset, but instead just saw gray skies. i went back to bed. when i woke up again to watch the news, i found out the sky was like that because of some canadian forest fire blowing smoke all across the northeast. it's weird, the sky was kind of hazy but you could still see the sun, orange instead of yellow.

today, sunday, not a day of action, went over to the cambridge house to pull up the remaining nails from the floorboards in one of the bedrooms. each nail is 3 inches long and threaded. when they'll pulled out of the wood, they feel hot from the friction created in their release. pulling out nails is kind of fun once you figure out the proper technique. previously i had pulled some nails without the proper technique and almost killed myself when the head of one them ripped off and shot out into the air like a bullet. i quickly learned the proper nail pulling technique after that.

i take naps but i take then at the strangest times. i fell asleep tonight after dinner and woke up a few hours later with a headache. this happens because i go to sleep not having drank enough fluids and in this dry summer heat i wake up dehydrated. so now i'm trying to replenish the water in my body.